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Complete HOA Resource Home What is a Homeowners Association? DVDs offered by Complete HOA Resource Training Latest News Welcome Packet How it Works Contact Complete HOA Resource

Welcome your new homeowners with the proper education that they need for association living by sending them our beautiful Welcome Packet and informative DVD.  Managers be sure to check out our Manager Tools page for helpful information.

"Association Living: Understanding Your Association©"

teaches owners the benefits and responsibilities of living in a covenant protected community.  Our 15 minute DVD is informative yet interesting.  You will actually enjoy watching it!


Frequently Asked Questions

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How does this whole process work?

As a community management company the process is very simple. The community management company would generally determine the number of closings they typically have in a given period of time and order enough DVD’s for that time period. The DVD cost is then added to the closing statement as part of the community management fee. The cost at which you charge for the DVD is up to you, so you can make a profit from the DVD as well. The DVD is then given to the new homeowner so that they can start to learn all about association living. It truly is that simple!

The process is exactly the same for the board of directors, if the association is not managed by a community management company. This DVD is also great for real estate agents and is the perfect closing gift for your clients that are new to association living. Not to mention the DVD is also great for farming neighborhoods. After all, nothing shows that you care about a community more than helping the homeowners get involved by educating them on the community in which they live.

What kind of information is discussed in the DVD?

Of course all the basic information that is essential to understanding an HOA or COA is discussed in our DVD, “Association Living: Understanding Your Association©”. It touches on the basic standards for architecture, landscaping, construction and the use of recreational areas and common areas. It discusses the importance of getting permission before doing any major changes on the outside of your home as well as guidelines on renting. Association fees are also discussed ensuring that the homeowner understands the reason why there are fees and what they are there for. Our DVD also encourages homeowners to attend meetings and to get involved. It touches on everything the homeowner should be aware of in less than 15 minutes!

How are the Welcome Packet and/or DVD delivered?

Well that is entirely up to you! We will ship the Welcome Packets/DVD’s to either someone on the Board of Directors or the Community Manager. If you are a Community Management Company you can mail the Welcome Packet to your new homeowner after the closing is complete. Or if your association has a Welcoming Committee it might be a nice touch to hand deliver the Welcome Packet. The choices are endless you can deliver it however you see fit for your association!

Do you sell any other educational materials besides the DVD?

At this time we have our DVD, “Association Living: Understanding Your Association©”. We are working on creating training information for the board of directors because we all know learning the roles of each board member can be confusing for someone who has never volunteered for the board before. Check back to the site often to see and new and exciting products!

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